Every year I buy my sister-in-law a plant for her birthday, which is next week. Maybe I do it because I'm sick of winter. Plants help me think of spring and new green growth, and I'm so wishing that spring will hurry up and get here. Luckily for me, my sister-in-law also like plants, which makes buying her a birthday gift extra fun.
This year I made a trip to a greenhouse, about half an hour or so away, to see what they had for sale. They had several things to choose from. They even had some lemon trees with full-sized lemons, but they were more than I could literally handle. I almost bought a Stephanotis wreath, but it was not going to bloom for a few months so I passed. I finally settled on Echeveria nodulosa , also known as Painted Lady.
Echeverias are succulents native to parts of Texas and South America. They are similar Sempervivum (hens and chicks) and some call them Mexican hens and chicks. This "Painted Lady," as you can see, has beautiful markings on the edges of the rosette leaves almost as if someone painted the edges with a brush or marker.
The Echeveria is said to be adaptable as a houseplant, requiring very little water, like most succulents, and it does not require as much light as others. However, a sunny spot is still suggested. Fingers crossed that she will like it. I know I would.
Mary Ann Davis
Hi Patty
I never used to like succulents but have been introduced to some very pretty varieties. I was just used to the old standard of chicks and hens. I would love any suggestions on buying new ones.
Patti, I love my pink lady. It is also pretty for valentines day because of the red edges of the leaves.
Thanks for the watering info. It's in the kitchen now.... Lots of natural light! It's nice to look at something green and succulent in the mist of branches and snow.
Gayle, good to know you like it! I am becoming obsessed with succulents. Definitely planning on using more this year. Maybe a hyper tufa planter to house them.
Arlene Blissell
Have you ever gone to Quality Garden Greenhouse? It is located in Mars, on RT 228 off Rt 8. Starting in April, they hold a ladies night once a month. I went last August with Gail for a cooking demonstration, it was very well done. They generally post a newsletter once a week or so, there are lots of good ideas. The Botanic Garden is finally nearing a point where they will be ready for tours and public programs. Right now they are still holding preview tours, but the web site has a great amount of information on it. I love the posts, your blog is a bright spot on a dreary day. Take care, Arlene
Thanks Arlene. I used to live in Mars but that was well over 20 years ago. I have to look it and the Botanic Garden up and post them on my events page.