Enjoy watching and gathering beautiful wild birds in your yard with this list of 9 ways to help birds in the winter.

The garden can look pretty bleak during the winter. However, watching the wild birds is a nice alternative, as there are many that stick around for the winter.
If you live in a cold climate and enjoy watching birds, you may be interested in some of the winter bird activities and project ideas listed below.
9 Ways to Help Birds in the Winter
Also, I recently came across a Facebook page for crafters intent on helping wildlife in Australia suffering from the wildfires. If you are an animal lover in general and enjoy crafting, you may want to check out the Animal Rescue Craft Guild.
Carole West
I love your bird pictures and I am one to sit outside and watch the bird activity well pretty much year-round. I enjoy it more in the winter because the birds are easier to notice in bare trees. Thanks for sharing my feeder project, super sweet that was a favorite for a couple of seasons and thinking I need to get me some seed and come up with something new. Enjoyed this friend...
Patti Estep
Thanks Carole and that's a good point about being able to see the birds on the bare trees. I love your little feeder. It's simple but sure does the trick.