Learn when to cut back perennials. Should you do it in the fall or in the later winter or early spring?

When to Cut Back Perennials: Fall or Spring?
Do you cut back your perennials as part of your fall cleanup? Maybe you’re a neat and tidy person who cannot stand the idea of messy foliage past its prime. Maybe you’ve been taught that pruning perennials in the fall is the correct way to prepare your garden for next year.
Of course, it's always a good idea to deadhead perennials during the season as their blooms fade. Often this will encourage lots of new blooms for perennials such as salvia and catmint. However, I'm talking about cutting back the entire plant for the year. Do you cut them back before winter or at the end of the winter before new spring growth shows up?
Here’s my secret. Most of my perennials don't get cut back in the fall. I leave pruning perennials until late winter or early spring when winter is coming to an end, and it's warm enough to get outside and garden.
I’ll be honest, by the end of fall I’m tired of tending to the garden. We usually have some great weather in the fall, but it is often short-lived followed by cold and snow.
However, by March, I can’t wait to get out and clean up the garden beds. This is just about the time I can start to see signs of new shoots or new growth.
So, is this a bad thing? I did some research and found out that many well-known gardeners follow my practice of late winter pruning.
Here's What the Experts Say
In this article from The Royal Horticultural Society the writer states, “Cutting back herbaceous perennials during autumn restores order and tidiness to the garden. However, this removes potential winter interest, in the form of height and structure, plus food and habitat sources for wildlife.”
Another article from Purdue University's Horticultural Extension examines exactly this question, “Cut back perennials, now or later?” Here the writer also agrees that there are many benefits of leaving perennials for winter interest and shelter for wildlife. However, she also notes that any diseased or pest ridden plants should be dealt with sooner, rather than later.
Perennials like rudbeckia aka black eyed susan and echinacea or purple coneflowers have attractive seed heads and provide food for the birds so I always leave them until the spring before pruning.
Finally, in this last article from Martha Stewart Living, the writer states, “Perennial plants need to be cut back each year, but when you choose to do it depends on your gardening style.”
When Should You Cut Back Perennials in the Fall?
As mentioned above, I will definitely cut back the peony shown above. The leaves look bad and appear to have a little fungus issue going on. In this case, I will use my clean pruners to cut back all of the stems to the ground.
I'll check for any other plants that have powdery mildew or pest issues and cut them back too.
However my typical routine for any normal, healthy-looking perennial, means waiting until late winter or next spring to prune.
I'm glad to read that pruning later in winter is good for pollinators! I'm also usually done with gardening by late fall so any excuse to delay a task is welcome. 🙂
Angie Rose
I'm right there with you! By the end of the season, I'm so tired of working out in the garden. I always feel like I need a break. I devote all of my garden time to planting bulbs, and not always cleaning. I'd rather the wildlife have something to enjoy. I also agree with you how you cut back anything diseased looking. If it could have negative ramifications on my garden health, out it goes! Awesome article Patti & such great info!
Patti Estep
Hi Angie,
Glad to hear from another like minded gardener. Bulbs are something I sometimes forget about too so thanks for the reminder.
I usually trim back all my plants in the fall. My hubby hates to see them looking messy and so we try get it done in late fall. But we do leave a few plants to trim in the spring too. That way it's spread out and not too much work all at once.
Patti Estep
Hi Shelly,
I totally get that some people, even husbands, like it neat. You idea of splitting up the job is a smart one too.
I'm with you and leave most ornamentals to prune in the late winter - except for peonys like you since that fungus is worse if it's left longer. It all depends on when I get tired of looking at all the brown hydrangea blossoms, ha!
Patti Estep
Hi Jami,
I get it. Sometimes the view needs a little sprucing up.
Diane Williams
Yay! I'm terribly lazy about Fall pruning. I am so relieved to know it's a benefit to wildlife to keep the deadheads on til Spring. We have huge bird population and maybe the old dead growth will support and attract them more closely. Thanks so much!
Patti Estep
Hi Diane,
I'm so glad you like this method. To each his own but I do think the birds will like it.
Carole West
Great info -Down south everything is based around temperature because they fluctuate at the drop of a hat. So I actually trim both seasons but some have to be done right after that frost because they look pitiful but now I might have to rethink some of that... However with that being said my blackberries are done right after they finish producing fruit. I take it on a plant to plant basis..
Patti Estep
Hi Carole,
That totally makes sense for your area and what you are growing. Just part of experiencing gardening in your own space and doing what seems right for you.
Mary Minard
Now it all makes sense, I violate 4 of the 7 rules so that explains why I've lost more than 1 or 2 plants over the years lol. Thanks for setting me straight -- I can do better.
Patti Estep
Hi Mary,
We all lose plants. No worries. Hopefully some of these tips will help.
Thanks for stopping by,
roylene fischer
I have a very large Hydragage (spelling) , it has always blooms all year, but this year it only bloomed in the spring. I did cut it back last fall as it is so large it takes over the little space I have. Should I not prune it in the fall and if not when would be a good time to transplant it. Thank you
Hi Roylene,
If your hydrangea is a macrophylla then it probably blooms on old wood which could be the cause of limited or no blooms. These types of hydrangeas have big leaves and large flower heads with the nickname mopheads. It's best to only prune as needed. If it is getting too large try pruning individual canes down to the base instead of pruning all around. Transplanting is tricky but I like to transplant this kind of bush in the very late winter or very early spring around April here in Pennsylvania. If you live somewhere very different from me that may change and the best thing to do is ask someone at a local nursery. Good luck.
Angie Rose
Thank you for sharing helpful info on this. I'm always wondering what other gardeners do when it comes to pruning plants. When I first started gardening, my approach was to prune everything back in the fall. Now, I tend to think about the wildlife and pollinators who seem to enjoy my uncut plants. After my daylilies and hostas bloom, I often notice dragonflies enjoying the parts of the plant that have past their prime. Now I tend to do a small cleanup in the fall, and then the rest in spring that way I don't get overwhelmed. Hope you are having a wonderful week 🙂
Hi Angie,
I totally agree. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your week.
JO Ann Miller
I have a large peony bush that as ju d t bloomed constantly since ealy spring. It was a bare root division pl a nt I had I ordered online last year and just planted this past spring . It has really grown in width in every direction and is quite top heavy but I think I remember the paper thT came with it said to wait for two to three years before deviding. I was suppose to be probably at least a three year old plant that it came from. I would like to know if I should go ahead and device it or possible just dig a big whole around it without disturb the root and just move it farther back in the bed since it hs grown so much and fast it now hangs outside of the bed a lot. I know that they are suppose to have the branches cut back considerably after blooming ,but as large as it grown this one season it will be totally hanging out of the bed onto the lawn next spring if I don't do something. I am afraid to do much of anything in fear of messing up the blooming fir next spring and am not really sure how to device the root if it does need to be done. This is my first peony and it has been gorgeous and I sure don't want to lose it. Please advise. Thank you
Hi JoAnn,
How lucky are you. I love peonies. They are probably my favorite. Peonies are supposed to be divided in the fall, though I'll admit I have divided them in the spring. I would suggest that you go ahead and move it now. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind. It's better to dig the new hole twice as large but no deeper than the root ball of the existing plant. Also, peonies tend to like being planted shallow rather than deep. Here's good link about dividing them: http://www.hortmag.com/weekly-tips/dividing-peonies-in-the-fall.
thank u so much for this info
Hi Dolores,
You are very welcome. Thanks for stopping by,