Learn some bathroom makeover ideas with weekly updates during the month of January, as part of the $100 room challenge.

During the last two Januarys, I have I participated in the $100 Room Challenge.
The first year I tackled our master bedroom. It was great to have it all spruced up without spending a ton of money. Last year, I tackled my home office. It was quite a challenge but one that I desperately needed.
In case you missed them you can find the makeovers here:
This year I'm going after our 2nd-floor hall bathroom.
Now that my girls are in their 20's and live on their own it's time to upgrade the bathroom from The Little Mermaid theme to something more grown up and suitable for any guests.
The big question is, "Can I really do this on a $100 budget?"
Fast forward on this makeover:
Bathroom Vanity Makeover - Week 2
How to Make a Window Cornice - Week 3
Here she is, the little mermaid in all her glory. I still like this shower curtain. It's so cheery and bright. Even though it's several years old it's in great shape. Still, it will be the first thing to go if I want to make this bathroom look more grown up.
I'm thinking of a theme that speaks to a fresh spa-like vibe. I'd like it to feel very calm and also crisp and clean.
The second thing to go is this hideous vanity. It's an original to the house built in the '80s. I'm going to try to remove the weird decorative molding on the sides, paint it, and replace the hardware.
The window will need a new window treatment. I definitely want to replace the drapes but will need something for privacy as this window faces the front of the house.
This wall above the toilet is screaming for some shelves or new artwork.
Of course, because this room needs it and it's free, I'll use some elbow grease to clean up the existing floor, trim and fixtures.
Bathroom Makeover Ideas Recap:
- Cleanup existing trim, fixtures, and floor.
- Purchase new shower curtain and rugs
- Update vanity with paint and hardware
- Purchase mini-blinds for the window and create a new valance.
- Add beauty and function to the wall above the toilet.
All for under $100? It's a fun challenge and it's about time this bathroom gets a makeover.
Stop back each Wednesday during this month to see the update for this bathroom and all the other great room makeovers.
Elizabeth Jones - Jonesville
Ooo what an awesome space to tackle! Can't wait to see where this goes!
Patti Estep
Thanks Elizabeth. I figure anything will be an improvement and if I can keep it under $100 I'll call it a win. 🙂
Yes, you can definitely spruce up that space on a $100 budget, good luck with it all!
Patti Estep
I know Nicki. It's somewhat embarrassing that I haven't done more with it already which is why I love these challenges.
I am looking forward to watching your room transform and also doing this challenge with you, Patti!
Great ideas! I bet it will feel so nice to update this bathroom into a lovely spa like feel!
Patti Estep
Thanks Kristen. I'm excited to update this much needed space.
I'm so looking forward to watching this happen! So fun, and sounds like some great ideas! Pinning for others to come watch, too!
Patti Estep
Thanks Julie. It's fun watching and getting inspired by all the others. One of my favorite things about blogging.
I'm so excited to see how your bathroom turns out, Patti! The Little Mermaid was one of mine and my daughter's favorite movies. I think we went to the movie 5 times! LOL! Sad to see her go but your ideas to spruce up the room sound wonderful!
Patti Estep
Thanks Christine. It is sad and I probably should have done it a while ago but..... Just another good reason to participate in the challenge.
This is such a cute space! Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Patti Estep
Thanks Beth. It's always a fun challenge.
I love the Little Mermaid! But I can't wait to see the outcome from this great plan!
Patti Estep
Oh know Jackie. It's a little sad to see her go. She will be missed.
Oh, this is going to be a fun makeover, Patti! It going to look so good...and your guests are going to love it!
Patti Estep
Thanks Leigh. That's what I'm hoping.
Love the Little Mermaid. Brought some good memories back. Spa like vibe...can't wait to see how you make this happen.
Patti Estep
Thanks Kelli. I'm sad to see The Little Mermaid go but as my girls are in their 20s and are not home as often as I'd like I figured this was a good time to tackle the room. Doing it on a budget is perfect after so much holiday spending.
Erin- Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry
I cannot wait to watch this space transform! Your ideas for the space are perfect, and I KNOW you'll be able to do it on a budget. Excited to see how that vanity turns out 🙂 I'm so glad you're participating again!
Patti Estep
Thank you, Erin. This is just what I need after weeks of holiday indulging, and spending. I'm so glad you have continued this wonderful challenge.
Rebecca | R&R at home
I cannot wait to see what you do!
Patti Estep
Thanks Rebecca. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's work. This challenge is just the thing I need to get moving in the new year.
Carole West
Oh my goodness "The Little Mermaid" She was my daughters favorite Disney princess and lived in our home for many, many years. She said it was because she did things.
Love your ideas - have you thought about painting the floors with stencils? I keep seeing that everywhere but not sure I'm brave enough to ever try it.
Patti Estep
Thanks Carole. I would love to paint the floor with a stencil. I have noticed many people doing that as well with beautiful results. Unfortunately, that's where my husband draws the line. At least they are in decent shape.