Learn how to make pressed flower luminaria for any special occasion or create some for gifts. Charming small lanterns that show off the beauty of flowers with soft light.

You might think of Christmas when you read the word luminaria but why couldn't they be used for any occasion? I've always loved it when communities lit up the roadway or sidewalks with paper bag luminaria at Christmastime however, I think this simple pressed flower craft, though similar, is worthy of any special occasion or just for fun.
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I have slowly been pressing flowers in my simple travel flower press and have many to craft with. If you are in a hurry you can try pressing flowers in the microwave or with an iron but they have varying success depending the shape and moisture of the flowers.
How to Make a Press Flower Lantern or Luminaria
For this project, you will need to cut several squares of wax paper. I love this paper cutter (see the image above) and have had it for over 20 years. If you do a lot of paper cutting a guillotine paper cutter may be worth the investment. It makes it so much easier to cut straight lines. Of course, you can just use scissors.
Create a pleasing pattern with some of your favorite pressed flowers on one sheet of wax paper.
Cover the flowers with a second sheet of wax paper. Then use a thin piece of cotton or paper towel on top of the wax paper and flower sandwich and press with an iron. This only takes a couple of seconds to do.
Repeat to create four pressed flower arrangements between wax paper.
Next, connect the sheets with some metallic copper tape. Be sure that the flowers are right side up as this will be the outside of the lantern. This is the same tape I used to make pressed flower glass coasters.
Once you have taped them side by side you can complete the luminaria by taping the first side to the last.
Then you will want to make crisp edges. Do this with any straight edge like the ruler shown above.
Now you have a homemade paper flower lantern. So simple and so pretty.
Place a battery-powered tealight or votive candle inside and enjoy the warm glow.
Pressed flower luminaria. They would be beautiful outdoors at a warm summer evening dinner party, don't you think?
DIY Pressed Flower Luminaria
- Paper cutter or scissors
- Iron
- Pressed flowers
- Waxed paper
- Foil Tape
- Cut square pieces of wax paper with a paper cutter or scissors. You'll need 8 of the same side to make one luminaria.
- Set pressed flowers in a pleasing pattern on one of the squares of wax paper.
- Cover with a second piece of wax paper.
- Carefully set a piece of cotton or paper towel on top of the wax paper flower sandwich and iron the two pieces together.
- Continue with the remaining three sets of paper.
- With the right side of the flowers up, place two squares side by side and tape them together with the foil tape.
- Continue adding the other two squares and finish by taping the last square to the first.
- Use a ruler or straight edge to make a nice crease in the center of the tape.
- Set the luminaria on top of an electric votive or tealight and enjoy.
Kay Bowles
I love this idea Patti! My brain is already spinning with lots of ideas for special events! I was not familiar with the foil tape and already have it on my Amazon order! I also loved your zucchini and corn chowder recipe! I enjoy a craft day every Saturday with friends and I always bring the lunch because they share all of their talent and ideas with me! I get the better end of that bargain! One of my friends is a vegetarian so we all have been hooked on the recipes I try out. Can't wait to take this lunch with me! Have a great weekend!
Patti Estep
Thanks, Kay. How nice that you get together with friends and craft on Saturdays. I've made a few of my crafts with friends but would love to make it a weekly event. I hope they enjoy the zucchini corn chowder as much as we did.
These are absolutely gorgeous, Patti! My grandmother dried flowers to make flower arrangements and pressed flowered projects. Pinned and schedule on my FB page!
Patti Estep
Aww. Thank you, Paula. Sounds like your grandmother was pretty special.
Hi there from Minnesota!! I love this tutorial! Thank you for sharing it!!
My question is, which side of the wax paper should be where?? I am assuming that you would want the tacky sides to face in, but it's not always a good practice to assume things!! 🙂
Also, I have another question which is somewhat similar...
When using aluminum foil to cover left overs, a large bowl to bring to a family gathering with a cold pasta salad, and covering up my cats' wet food cans, etc., which side of the aluminum foil should be facing up? And which side should be near the food? And why?
Maybe there isn't a right or wrong way to use aluminum foil, but it is curious that the sides of it are different. It makes me think that there is a reason for this and I don't know why!
Any help and information would be much appreciated!!
Rescuecatmom24 AKA Jenn
P. S. Your website is great!! It's very easy to navigate, it is neat organized and easy to follow!! I wish that I had found it earlier!! Thank you!!
Patti Estep
My wax paper is the same on both sides so it doesn't matter. However, parchment paper is coated only on one side so then yes you want the wax side to sandwich the flowers. Regarding aluminum foil, I was always under the impression that it does not matter which side you use to cover or cook food. I never knew why but after looking it up the manufacturer Reynolds says both sides are ok to use unless you have their non-stick foil. In that case. you'll want the dull side facing up.